18th Conference of BAAST and 15th Symposium of BOTA

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

    18th Conference of BAAST and 15th Symposium of BOTA will be held in Admiral Congress center, Golden Sands from 15th till 17th of May 2025. 


    1. Organizers of the Conference: 




    2. Scientific committee:

    • Prof. Andrey Iotov, Prof. Asen Baltov, Prof. Diyan Enchev, Prof. Hristo Georgiev, Assoc. Prof. Antoni Georgiev, Assoc. Prof. Ventsi Rosmanov, Dr. Hristo Mazneykov;

    3. Organizing committee:

    • Assoc. Prof. Kalin Mihov, Dr. Petyo Bratoev, Dr. Maksim Zagorov, Dr. Vladimir Stefanov, Dr. Yavor Pukalski, Dr. Stoyan Ivanov;

    4. Important dates of the Conference:

    • Early registration of delegates at the Conference - by March 18, 2025;
    • Deadline for submitting a request to participate with an oral presentation - by March 18, 2025 at e-mail: varnameeting@gmail.com;
    • Confirmation by the Organizing Committee for accepted participation in the Scientific Program - by April 04, 2025;
    • Standard registration of delegates at the Conference - March 19, 2025 to May 02, 2025
    • Late registration - after May 03, 2025 and on spot;
    • Opening of the Conference - May 16, 2025 - 08:30 - Admiral Congress center, Golden Sands;
    • Closing of the Conference - May 17, 2025 - 12:00 - Admiral Congress center, Golden Sands;

    5. Official language of the Conference:

    Bulgarian and English language. Simultaneous translation will be provided.

    6. Participation with report:

    • Deadline for submitting a request to participate with an oral presentation - by March 18, 2025 at e-mail: varnameeting@gmail.com;
    • Confirmation by the Organizing Committee for accepted participation in the Scientific Program - by April 04, 2025;

    Note: Oral presentation included in the Conference's scientific program will be presented within 10 minutes.

    7. Reservation requests can be made on emailevents@wasteels.bg

    Please, enter your information (telephones and / or e-email) as well as the necessary data (business or personal) for issuing an invoice.
    All participants of the Conference are desirable to declare and pay their participation preferentially at the preferential prices of the organizing company.
    The registration of the participants on site at Admiral Congress center for the receipt of all materials and hotel accommodation will begin on May 15, 2025 at the Registration Desk of WASTEELS.

    The organizing company committed to providing full assistance to participants during the Conference:

    • Registration of the participants;
    • Accommodation;
    • Providing materials for the Conference;
    • General information and coordination.

    8. Payment conditions:

    Bank account for money transfers in euro:

    Bank: UBB
    IBAN: BG03UBBS81551437752800
    Bank transfer tax of 10.00 EUR will apply for non-EU cоuntries for all payments. All bank charges for the bank transfer should be on behalf of the sender. 

    9. Payment and cancellation:

    All booking requests are valid for 5 business days during which the actual payment should be made. Failure to comply with this condition will void the reservation without notice from the organizer.
    Upon request for cancellations of hotel accommodation and / or registration fee up to March 24, 2025 inclusive, the full amount of the payment will be refunded. With partial or complete cancellations from March 25, 2025, amounts are not refunded.


    Welcome to Admiral Congress center, Golden Sands!

    Preliminary Program

    May 15, 2025 

    16:00 – 20:00 Registration and hotel accommodation – Hotel Admiral, Golden Sands Resort
    17:00 – 20:00 Pre-conference panel. Discussion – innovations, trends and standards in orthopedics.


    May 16, 2025 



    08:30 – 08:45 Official Opening Ceremony
    08:45 – 10:30 First Scientific Session 
    10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
    11:00 – 13:00 Second Scientific Session 
    13:00 – 14:30 Lunch – Hotel Admiral”, Golden Sands Resort
    14:30  – 16:00 Third Scientific Session 
    16:00 – 17:30 Forth Scientific Session 
    17:30 – 18:00 BAAST open meeting 

    May 17, 2025 

    09:00 – 12:00 Fifth Scientific Session. Official closing.